About us
Since 2015, MiCodmc has been point of reference for organizing events in Milan. Over the years our experience has increasingly expanded and consolidated, also through the continuous growth and strengthening of an ever-widening range of services.
From your welcome at the airport to transport, from the almost infinite array of residential solutions (traditional hotels, boutique hotels, guest houses, villas, apartments, low cost accommodation etc.) to the search for restaurants, nightlife and exclusive venues normally closed to the public, from catering to entertainment, from cultural excursions to out-of-town trips, to cooking courses and shopping, from themed activities to incentive programmes and team building, always looking at customer needs.
The result is a tailor-made offering characterized by extreme flexibility, which starts with attentive and collaborative listening right from the design stage, to follow step-by-step each phase of the project thanks to the direct assistance of highly qualified staff. Thanks to the memorandum of understanding with the hotel associations in Milan, MiCodmc can offer its customers advantageous and regulated rates compared to market rates. Furthermore, the deep and detailed knowledge of the territory and the operators present and the relationships with the institutions, make MiCodmc the ideal tool for anyone who wants to organize an event in Milan, but also for all those who wish to choose Milan as the destination for a trip.
MiCo dmc in numbers